This product creates a window for Lease on both Business support and household Items. The objective is to enable customers to acquire assets that will boost their income-generating capacity or for personal use to improve their standard of living.
The target market includes customers that are gainfully employed or with businesses that are capable of repaying. These items include and not limited to Refrigerators, Plasma TV, Home theatres, Washing machines, Generators, Furniture, Air Conditioners, Laptops, Treadmills, Gas Cookers etc.
- The loan tenure shall be between 30-180days
- Assets are to be bought in the name of CINTRUST MFB
- Equity contribution of 30% of asset worth to be paid by the applicants.
- Post Dated Cheques of Beneficiary and two guarantors
- Interest rate at 5% per month and upfront of 4%